


The Arduino Primo is the first board developed in cooperation with Nordic Semiconductor. It brings new benefits for the IoT world all on one platform: advanced 32-bit microcontroller architecture, bluetooth low energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, near-field communications (NFC), and infrared (IR) transmit and receive capability.

There are three onboard microcontrollers: 

  • nRF52832, the main Arduino microcontroller with integrated BLE and NFC
  • STM32f103, a service microcontroller used for advanced debugging and programming of the other microcontrollers
  • ESP8266, for Wi-Fi and related internet connectivity functions.

More info:

Manufacturer(s) Arduino
Used chip ESP8266EX
Flash 4 (MB)
Total nr of pins 32
Programmable pins 20

Added by

Used chip


ESP8266EX has 17 GPIO pins which can be assigned to various functions by programming the appropriate registers. Each GPIO can be configured with internal pull-up or pull-down,...

Arduino board settings

Board name:

Flash size:
  • 4MB (32Mb)

Partition scheme:
  • 4MB (SPIFFS(FS) 2MB OTA:~1019KB)
  • 4MB (SPIFFS(FS) 3MB OTA:~512KB)
  • 4MB (SPIFFS(FS) 1MB OTA:~1019KB)