


The Arduino Primo is the first board developed in cooperation with Nordic Semiconductor. It brings new benefits for the IoT world all on one platform: advanced 32-bit microcontroller architecture, bluetooth low energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, near-field communications (NFC), and infrared (IR) transmit and receive capability.

There are three onboard microcontrollers: 

  • nRF52832, the main Arduino microcontroller with integrated BLE and NFC
  • STM32f103, a service microcontroller used for advanced debugging and programming of the other microcontrollers
  • ESP8266, for Wi-Fi and related internet connectivity functions.

More info:

Manufacturer(s) Arduino
Used chip ESP8266EX
Flash 4 (MB)
Total nr of pins 32
Programmable pins 20

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Arduino board settings

Board name:

Flash size:
  • 4MB (32Mb)

Partition scheme:
  • 4MB (SPIFFS(FS) 2MB OTA:~1019KB)
  • 4MB (SPIFFS(FS) 3MB OTA:~512KB)
  • 4MB (SPIFFS(FS) 1MB OTA:~1019KB)