
Hidden IAS LIB

2017-01-18 17:54:24

Hidden IAS LIB

Hi Forum Don’t read this I just had to write out my frustration before starting new ๐Ÿ˜Š 
I should probably not write about my problem just install everything new. Curious so if there is a comment . 
Had many problems since I got help how to use firmware.bin in PIO. Maybee before too but not seen it.  
Everything looked fine but only once after that “ No connection or Internal server error” what's the diff? 
So I started to use only IAS loader and Virginsoil I.e. not my programming, and the fun begun. 
No upload at all, tried short press, calling home same errors as above, long pressure to Config, correct project and app but! FINGERPRINT.
it’s easy to check that lib is correct as you can open and read config.h in the ide and it is CERTIFICATE.
Checking correct IASLoader easy as you can see the certificate.  
The final proof that something was really wrong was that the fingerprint shown in config mode was not the same as in config.h but the one used in old library. 
Conclusion that seems totally impossible to me : There is an old lib hidden somewhere in memory๐Ÿ™ƒ.

2017-01-18 17:54:24

Hi Again 
After uninstall Arduino  VS Code and deleting old apps I started and everything OK again. 

So I started a new fresh Wemos and test a new function but started in IAS add a Device.
Decided to test DirectLoader but looked at IASLoader Lib >= 2  

The conclusion this time “Problem probably not FINGERPRINT”๐Ÿ˜‰