

Member since: 2024-06-10 12:45:34 | Country: Pakistan

Co-founder and CEO at a leading software company specializing in Flutter

My curiosity, quirky thought process and thirst for knowledge fuel me to find answers to pressing questions. From coming up with the right choice of words for a Sales Copy to crafting the most efficient code for a software, I've been able to effectively spot customers' pain points and identify optimal solutions to empower our clients and enable them to innovate and grow.

I pride myself as an Android developer cum Content Developer who specialises in real-time applications (RTAs). Because I strongly believe in learning before leading, therefore, as a Co-Founder of ReacTree, I've also had to delve into other territories such as Data Mining, Machine Learning and even Game Development to name a few.

My specialties:
+ Business Development
+ Process Improvements
+ Requirements Analysis
+ Android Development
+ Content Development
+ Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

I'm a strong advocate of technology, cats, video-games and SMEs, so if you ever want to share ideas with me, please feel free to contact me: